Making usermode linux work

During this month I’ve been using my spare time to update my Linux system administration knowlegde, that was a bit outdated. One of the basic things I couldn’t live anymore whithout was usermode linux, so I put myself at work an decided to learn about it.

Next, I’m going to explain the steps taken to put usermode linux working for me. At the end, you will find internet references that would help you in the process. Continue reading Making usermode linux work

Discovering Python

This afternoon, listening Dape‘s comments, I’ve been curious about Python and decided to give it a try.

Looking at the official documentation I discovered that it’s much like pseudocode and indent and colons (“:”) play an important role in the language. It hasn’t semicolons (“;”) and follows the rule “a line, a sentence”. It’s a very curious language… and doesn’t seems difficult to learn.

As some of you already know, I like KDE very much, so I decided to research about if a KDE program could be made using Python. I discovered PyKDE, but it isn’t included in Sarge. I found also a tutorial on writing Qt applications, so I give it a try. It seemed interesting. 🙂

Hello world screenshot

Playing with Javascript

Browsing the internet today, I could read a javascript trick that kept my attention. You can type javascript sentences in the location bar and they can have efect on the current document. That is, you can type something like this (literally, in one line):


…and get read-write an original read-only entry whose id=”myReadOnlyEntry”. NOTE: the void(0) is required in order to avoid the submission of the form.

The best of all is that you can define a new “bookmark” that doesn’t link to an ordinary URL, but to a javascript sentence one. By this way, you can do changes over the current web page.

Some other curious things you can do using this technique are to replace a previous given function already present in the document. In this example we redefine a form checking function in the current document:

javascript:formCheck=function(){return true;};void(0);

Those discoverings have frightened me. What if a hacker writes a web page, hidden frame or underlying web page that creates a javascript timer and from time to time it tries to read values from input boxes of other opened web pages? Can it be a phishing threat? Is this technique already being using by crackers? It’s frightening… 🙁