Adding buffering hysteresis to the WebKit GStreamer video player

The <video> element implementation in WebKit does its job by using a multiplatform player that relies on a platform-specific implementation. In the specific case of glib platforms, which base their multimedia on GStreamer, that’s MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.

WebKit GStreamer regular playback class diagram

The player private can have 3 buffering modes:

  • On-disk buffering: This is the typical mode on desktop systems, but is frequently disabled on purpose on embedded devices to avoid wearing out their flash storage memories. All the video content is downloaded to disk, and the buffering percentage refers to the total size of the video. A GstDownloader element is present in the pipeline in this case. Buffering level monitoring is done by polling the pipeline every second, using the fillTimerFired() method.
  • In-memory buffering: This is the typical mode on embedded systems and on desktop systems in case of streamed (live) content. The video is downloaded progressively and only the part of it ahead of the current playback time is buffered. A GstQueue2 element is present in the pipeline in this case. Buffering level monitoring is done by listening to GST_MESSAGE_BUFFERING bus messages and using the buffering level stored on them. This is the case that motivates the refactoring described in this blog post, what we actually wanted to correct in Broadcom platforms, and what motivated the addition of hysteresis working on all the platforms.
  • Local files: Files, MediaStream sources and other special origins of video don’t do buffering at all (no GstDownloadBuffering nor GstQueue2 element is present on the pipeline). They work like the on-disk buffering mode in the sense that fillTimerFired() is used, but the reported level is relative, much like in the streaming case. In the initial version of the refactoring I was unaware of this third case, and only realized about it when tests triggered the assert that I added to ensure that the on-disk buffering method was working in GST_BUFFERING_DOWNLOAD mode.

The current implementation (actually, its wpe-2.38 version) was showing some buffering problems on some Broadcom platforms when doing in-memory buffering. The buffering levels monitored by MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer weren’t accurate because the Nexus multimedia subsystem used on Broadcom platforms was doing its own internal buffering. Data wasn’t being accumulated in the GstQueue2 element of playbin, because BrcmAudFilter/BrcmVidFilter was accepting all the buffers that the queue could provide. Because of that, the player private buffering logic was erratic, leading to many transitions between “buffer completely empty” and “buffer completely full”. This, it turn, caused many transitions between the HaveEnoughData, HaveFutureData and HaveCurrentData readyStates in the player, leading to frequent pauses and unpauses on Broadcom platforms.

So, one of the first thing I tried to solve this issue was to ask the Nexus PlayPump (the subsystem in charge of internal buffering in Nexus) about its internal levels, and add that to the levels reported by GstQueue2. There’s also a GstMultiqueue in the pipeline that can hold a significant amount of buffers, so I also asked it for its level. Still, the buffering level unstability was too high, so I added a moving average implementation to try to smooth it.

All these tweaks only make sense on Broadcom platforms, so they were guarded by ifdefs in a first version of the patch. Later, I migrated those dirty ifdefs to the new quirks abstraction added by Phil. A challenge of this migration was that I needed to store some attributes that were considered part of MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer before. They still had to be somehow linked to the player private but only accessible by the platform specific code of the quirks. A special HashMap attribute stores those quirks attributes in an opaque way, so that only the specific quirk they belong to knows how to interpret them (using downcasting). I tried to use move semantics when storing the data, but was bitten by object slicing when trying to move instances of the superclass. In the end, moving the responsibility of creating the unique_ptr that stored the concrete subclass to the caller did the trick.

Even with all those changes, undesirable swings in the buffering level kept happening, and when doing a careful analysis of the causes I noticed that the monitoring of the buffering level was being done from different places (in different moments) and sometimes the level was regarded as “enough” and the moment right after, as “insufficient”. This was because the buffering level threshold was one single value. That’s something that a hysteresis mechanism (with low and high watermarks) can solve. So, a logical level change to “full” would only happen when the level goes above the high watermark, and a logical level change to “low” when it goes under the low watermark level.

For the threshold change detection to work, we need to know the previous buffering level. There’s a problem, though: the current code checked the levels from several scattered places, so only one of those places (the first one that detected the threshold crossing at a given moment) would properly react. The other places would miss the detection and operate improperly, because the “previous buffering level value” had been overwritten with the new one when the evaluation had been done before. To solve this, I centralized the detection in a single place “per cycle” (in updateBufferingStatus()), and then used the detection conclusions from updateStates().

So, with all this in mind, I refactored the buffering logic as, so now WebKit GStreamer has a buffering code much more robust than before. The unstabilities observed in Broadcom devices were gone and I could, at last, close Issue 1309.

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