A new minor version of Meiga is out. This time there are no new features, only bugfixes and a more robust building process that now makes possible to publish Meiga from a Ubuntu PPA.
Latest information, including the source code, install instructions and previous versions can be found in the project website: http://meiga.igalia.com
I will give it a try!
Hey, How i can install it on maverick ? I need it urgently !!
I’ve just placed a new Meiga build for Maverick in the Ubuntu PPA building system. You can try to install it following the download instructions for Ubuntu in the Meiga website, using “maverick” as the distribution name in your /etc/apt/sources.list.
Please, note that I haven’t tried Meiga on Maverick myself, so it might have runtime problems. Just try it and let me know about the results.
Thanks for your interest in Meiga! 🙂