Connecting a laptop to the internet with Yoigo trough N900 using bluetooth

Some simple steps to do tethering over bluetooth to connect to Yoigo Spanish carrier:

  1. Enable the Maemo Extras-devel catalog (URL:, Distribution: fremantle, Components: free non-free) and install “Bluetooth Dial-up Networking”.
  2. In your computer, edit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf to look like this, but using your own bluetooth device address (use hcitool scan from your laptop to get it):
    rfcomm1 {
            # Automatically bind the device at startup
            bind yes;                                 
            # Bluetooth address of the device
            device 00:11:22:33:44:55         
            # RFCOMM channel for the connection
            channel 2;                         
            # Description of the connection
            comment "N900";

    Channels 1 and 3 are also available and can be defined as rfcomm0 and rfcomm2, but the scope of that is out of this post.

  3. Now edit the file /home/youruser/.wvdialrc in your laptop (using your own username) to look like this:
    [Dialer YoigoBT]
    init1 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
    Username = ''
    Password = ''
    Modem = /dev/rfcomm1
    Phone = *99#

To connect to the internet, simply open a terminal and type:

sudo wvdial YoigoBT

To disconnect, just press CTRL+c and it’s done.

Thanks to this post, which was used as a reference on how to connect using Nokia devices.